Friday, April 23, 2010

Its been a while!

It certainly has.  So much I've done in such little time!  SXSW was amazing.  I still need to post pictures, and explain all the wonderful things I did!  It was  a successful trip!  Since then I've just been getting ready to move, putting all my ducks in a row, taking care of my cute puppy having fun, and doing yoga.  I found the greatest yoga studio, i just wish I had found it sooner rather than later :/ .  While I was visiting my cousin in Austin we went to this great yoga class, and I realized how much I missed it.  I took it for a semester during college, lost a ton of weight and toned up, all without really even realizing it.  So now I have gone at least three times a week at zenergy yoga.  It is up in North Scottsdale, hidden in AZ on the Rocks.  I've promised myself that I would go rock climbing after class, so if you are up for joining me let me know!  Other than that, my bff Colin leaves for Los Angeles next week.  While its bittersweet I am beyond proud of him for taking a leap and following his heart and passion and heading back to La La land.  I guess you'll never know if you never try!  That literally has been my motto for this year and my outlook seems to be much more positive than in years past.

Positivity pays off, oh and Glee's Madonna episode was pretty effing awesome

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