Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I dont have a witty title today

The Road Less Traveled.

I've decided that the above phrase is the way I want to live my life. I don't like following the crowd, instead I would rather do my own thing and create my own road. The process of discovery is difficult, rewarding, and long. Is it too late to start a new years resolution? I've had an acoustic guitar for a few years now, and have decided that I will look into taking guitar lessons again. So if anyone can recommend a good guitar teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have also enjoyed using this blog as a creative writing outlet. Maybe writing is my calling, just like one of my favorite bloggers turned author Jennifer Lancaster- if you have never read "Bitter is the new black" you must go pick it up. Its hysterical, warming and extremely laugh your ass off funny. I'm known for simultaneously reading multiple books... currently I'm reading 48 Days To The Work You Love, its a Christian based guide to encouraging you to follow your dreams and offers many great tips to include in your resume and to state that you are "between opportunities" when you are looking for a job. I just love the positive aspect of that, because it doesn't make you feel bad about things especially if they aren't working out the way that you want them to. I definitely recommend the book if you are in between opportunities, ready to graduate, or just need a pick me up. I'm also reading Jane Green's "Dune Road", I love her book "Jemima J" its a brit chick lit book, but this one is different than her other far so good, and is romantic and mysterious. Another good book especially for a rainy day. Other than that, I don't have much else to say and apologize for the post being so boring. I feel that I am getting back on track, and am hoping that it continues positively along the road less traveled carved out especially for me :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Peace Through Music

Last night I attended the U2 concert in Phoenix. It. Was. AMAZING! Totally expected to be blown away just like when I saw them back in 2001 during the Elevation Tour. That being said, we all know how involved Bono and the rest of his side kicks are in supporting peaceful activities around the world. After all, he started the One campaign, and the (Red) movement with big companies such as Gap, Hallmark, etc.. to fundraise anti retro viral drugs to over 3 million Africans in need of the drug to help with the AIDS/HIV virus. If you have never checked out the ONE campaign, I suggest you do so here:

In continuing the support of peace, Bono informed the audience of Aung San Suu Kyi, the 64 year old woman who has been under house arrest for about 20 years in Burma. She was a major proponent for the Democracy Movement and was elected in 1990, however the Burmese Military never allowed her to take office, and instead placed her in detention under house arrest. The government has given her the option to visit her Sons in the UK, however if she leaves Burma, she will be denied return access. A thought that is devastating, and has prevented her from seeing her family in years. Her sons are denied visa's to enter the country and visit her. Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 because of her struggle with democracy through non violent methods. She embodies peace. What makes me so irate about this, is that she is Peace. She is a perfect example of leading a movement peacefully, and I believe this is why she is refusing to leave her country, to make a statement. While many world leaders have requested she be released, the Burmese Military refuses and ignores those demands. It is sad that she is being persecuted for her peaceful actions. This brings up one of the many codes to live by "treat others, as you would like to be treated". Remember this code to live by, and do it with a smile on your face. If we all become a little more knowledgeable about wordly matters such as Suu Kyi's story, I think we will be more proactive in promoting peace especially through music.

In conclusion, I just wanted to thank my Friends and Family for their prayers and support the last week. I am on my path to finding myself. Having your support means a lot.

Peace- Britni

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A few good songs :)

Now many of you know music is my passion, and I absolutely love finding something new and adventurous to listen to. Today while working out, I had my ipod on shuffle. I love doing this, and while I often skip ahead of songs, its always nice and refreshing to hear a song of a band you saw preform a while back. That being said, The South Austin Jug Band came on today and it thoroughly made my day- not to mention since they are from South Austin it made my smile and continue that law of attraction, but I want my friends to check them out. I saw them in 2007 at ACL. They gave out complimentary itunes samplers at this show, and they were on the sampler.

The song that came on is called "Come To Me" and you can listen to it here:

youll have to scroll down a bit to listen, but since music is my passion, I think im going to make this my living sound track and include songs that make my day etc.. as a part of this journal. Yes, in fact this will be the new route I'm taking. I feel a little better about things and my direction, calling, and purpose. These are the quotes I'm living by this week:

"First Subtract the regret at what you might leave behind, and then subtract the fear of the unknown, and now imagine each option as vividly as you can, and if you just don't want to do it, if you aren't just FILLED with eager anticipation, then just say NO"

"work should, in fact, be thought of as a creative activity undertaken for the love of the work itself"- Dorothy Sayers Why Work?

That being said, I'm off to a few appointments, and even more excited for tonight- the U2 concert at The Cardinals Stadium! Attending "Church" tonight :) Yay!
