Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I dont have a witty title today

The Road Less Traveled.

I've decided that the above phrase is the way I want to live my life. I don't like following the crowd, instead I would rather do my own thing and create my own road. The process of discovery is difficult, rewarding, and long. Is it too late to start a new years resolution? I've had an acoustic guitar for a few years now, and have decided that I will look into taking guitar lessons again. So if anyone can recommend a good guitar teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have also enjoyed using this blog as a creative writing outlet. Maybe writing is my calling, just like one of my favorite bloggers turned author Jennifer Lancaster- if you have never read "Bitter is the new black" you must go pick it up. Its hysterical, warming and extremely laugh your ass off funny. I'm known for simultaneously reading multiple books... currently I'm reading 48 Days To The Work You Love, its a Christian based guide to encouraging you to follow your dreams and offers many great tips to include in your resume and to state that you are "between opportunities" when you are looking for a job. I just love the positive aspect of that, because it doesn't make you feel bad about things especially if they aren't working out the way that you want them to. I definitely recommend the book if you are in between opportunities, ready to graduate, or just need a pick me up. I'm also reading Jane Green's "Dune Road", I love her book "Jemima J" its a brit chick lit book, but this one is different than her other far so good, and is romantic and mysterious. Another good book especially for a rainy day. Other than that, I don't have much else to say and apologize for the post being so boring. I feel that I am getting back on track, and am hoping that it continues positively along the road less traveled carved out especially for me :)

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