Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello! It's been a while! I guess you could say I took a bit of a hiatus from the blogger world, but don't worry kids- I'M BACK! Its been busy past few months, with work, the Parents moving to Northern California, the holidays, January brought me some good luck and a new little friend in my life named Mookie (pictures will follow), as things are slowly settling, I decided to take a web design course and further my knowledge of the HTML lifestyle.

Thanks to a good friend who is my trusted computer resource, though we tend to differ on the mac vs. pc debate (once you go mac you never go back) I still like him and he knows his ish. The plan behind taking this course is to establish a personal website, one that would be the ultimate contact for my resume, as well as a place to have my blog, about me, and such so that when I venture off to the big city of Austin, TX, I could use my site to promote myself and my goals. So far so good, but I'm just in the process of scouting domain names and web hosting sites. The people in my course are all ages, it's been great to see Baby Boomer's interested in learning the html code and establishing their own websites for either their businesses or their grand kids. That being said, I am enjoying learning something new and expanding my brain a little bit more.

On to the next subject, Mookie. Mookie is an adorable 10 week old Shih Tzu trouble maker boy who is darling, my new child (one of many future child "pets" because I ain't having babies- sorry Mom! you can rent a kid). When my parents moved, they took my "brother" Grizzly Bear with him. Grizzly is 2, a Shih Tzu as well, and has the longest eye lashes and softest fur in the whole world. He brightens up my Moms day and loves his new lifestyle in Carmel, CA (tough...I know, you could say hes retired). So after Christmas, I decided to play Santa for myself and get Mookie. He is a firecracker. His temperament is similar to Grizzly's and its fun to watch a tiny one view the world! Right now he is crawling on my giant Euro pillow on my bed looking for something to sink his teeth into. He's fun, a handful, but totally worth it.

Today my friend Em and I ventured off to Ikea after work (since not only are we friends but we are also coworkers) to get ideas and a snack. Low and behold, I found in the "As Is" section a sweet ass bookshelf, that I will be painting the beautiful, bright, and happy color of .... YOU GUESSED IT... ORANGE!!! The plan is to make it antique-y looking and have some pizazz! Ill eventually use it as a TV stand for when I finally get my own place, but right now I'm excited to have my little crafty side at work. Ill probably be up at 6 am tomorrow to run to Home Depot (i love that store) and get supplies and paint! So if you want to join me on a fun filled project, you are more than welcome! Don't worry I'll post before and after photos- I won't leave you hanging!

I think this is all I have to say for tonight. I think I'm going to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding and reminisce about my college trip to Greece... now only to plan my next adventure with Mookie in my backpack.

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