Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rainy Saturday

Today started off somewhat hopeful... I looked outside, it was cloudy and over cast and decided to take Mookie out and then go back to sleep since that little bugger likes to wake me up so early.  I slept until 9:30 which was pretty impressive for me and then did some research online about Austin.  Low and behold I came across the coolest Master's Program EVER!  Its a MBA in Digital Media Management out of St. Edward's University in Austin!  It seems AMAZING and I will be going off to Barnes and Noble either right now, or in the morning to purchase the Gmat study guide.  Figures, I missed the deadline for 2010, but am even that more determined to get accepted for 2011.  It's a 2 year program and includes everything I am interested in and is my passion!  Sweet!  Now moving on to the rest of the day, I joined Colin on a trip to Whole Foods after stuffing our faces at Chop and Wok in Scottsdale.  I love Whole Foods and could literally spend hours in the store, but its just so expensive- I mean I remember when I would shop at Whole Foods in L.A. and Smartwater would cost only .99.  Now its up to $1.75.  Complete crap I tell you.  I guess I'm getting old in my ripe age of 24... just waiting for those comments to soon come out like "when I was your age..."  oh boy.  Any who, after our Whole Foods jaunt we pit stopped at Target (pronounced tar-jeyyy) and galavanted through there! Picked up a few office supplies to prep my resume and get some hard copies ready for SXSW.  Got home, and at this point I was ready to pass out.  I've been fighting Pharyngitis for the past few days, and with my Pharyngitis also comes a lovely ear infection type thing (not as severe as your normal ear infection, but enough that its causing me to get dizzy when I look up or move too quickly).  Stupid pharyngitis, which is causing me to miss snowboarding tomorrow, unless I feel great in the morning and decide to get my ass in gear and go... we will see.  The rest of the night has consisted of Mookie and I playing with his bear, while watching lovely and classy television- see 16 and pregnant (which I hope they show in schools).  I raided Colin's movie collection and am now watching one of my all time fave's, Maverick.  I loved this movie growing up and would watch it with my Dad whenever it was on TBS.  Another one I need to see is City Slickers.  I'm determined to rent that soon.  Hopefully I will start to feel better tomorrow and the dizziness will have subsided.  Other than that if you feel like watching Maverick, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. One! Love 16 and Pregnant, Two love the idea of the masters that sounds so up your non-analytical alley. I am stoked for you and as soon as you get settled Im coming to austin for the weekend. Lets make plans to get together soon I need my Britni and Mookie fest!! I am proud of you and I love this blog

